Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Year Two

I'm back [home] Los Angeles

I've been anticipating this arrival back to southern California all summer. I miss the busy city life when I'm living at home on the central coast. Everything closes before 10 p.m. and it's too small for the amount of tourists is accumulates. I will miss the the rolling golden hills, all the beautiful oak trees, the wild Spanish moss, going to Walmart, and all the country side back roads that Ash and I would drive. But, new adventures await. In just seven short days I will be leaving the country for my fall semester to study abroad in South Africa. 
"Wow Hannah! That's so awesome, are you excited?"
 I'm terrified. I'm nervous. I'm anxious. 
I don't really know what to expect, but I am leaving with a viable mindset and a heart that is preparing to be broken. 
To be vulnerable in new surroundings. 

Thank you to anyone who is reading this. My purpose of this blog is to provide a way to stay connected with friends while I'm abroad, since I won't be able to talk to everyone while I'm gone. I am going to try my best to keep it update. One of my goals is to stay off social media and be present.